2016년 03월 Effects of storage-protein 2 derived from silkworm hemolymph on reduction of aggregation and cell death in CHO cells



Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells have been widely used for production of various recombinant proteins such as cytokines and monoclonal antibodies. The cell aggregation and cell death in CHO cell culture directly affect cell viability, and productivity and quality of products. In this study, we investigated preventing effects of storage-protein 2 (SP2) derived from silkworm hemolymph on cell aggregation and cell death in CHO cell culture producing albuminerythropoietin (Alb-EPO). The viable cell density in the culture supplemented with 2 mg/mL SP2 was 1.71-fold higher than that in control culture. Increased titer of Alb-EPO was also found in the culture with SP2. Morphology of CHO cells in SP2 supplemented cultures did not differ from that of control. In addition, the cell aggregation rate of the SP2 cultures was reduced 20% compared to the control. Finally, we confirmed that the apoptosis was strongly suppressed by addition of SP2 in the cultures. These results clearly demonstrate that SP2 can be served as an effective supplement for enhancing titer of Alb-EPO via reducing cell aggregation and cell death.