[MELAB] 2월 5주차 저널미팅 공지입니다.

2019.02.24 17:15 11,671 0


안녕하세요 ME Lab.입니다.

다음 주 저널미팅 공지 드립니다. 


--- ME lab. Meeting ---


1. 일시 : 2019년 2월 26일(화) 오후 2시~


2. 장소 : 차바이오컴플렉스 7층 회의실

3. 저널 미팅

  1) 제목: 

   1. 발표자 : 김지광

     1) Development of a process control strategy for the serum-free microcarrier expansion of human mesenchymal stem cells
        towards cost-effective and commercially viable manufacturing

    2) Technologies for large-scale umbilical cord-derived MSC expansion: Experimental performance and cost of goods              analysis

    3) The Challenge of Human Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Expansion: Current and Prospective Answers

    4) Silk/Fibroin Microcarriers for Mesenchymal Stem Cell Delivery: Optimization of Cell Seeding by the Design of Experiment

    5) Inertial-Based Filtration Method for Removal of Microcarriers from Mesenchymal Stem Cell Suspensions

    6) Scalable culture of human induced pluripotent cells on microcarriers under xeno-free conditions using single-use             vertical-wheel™ bioreactors

   2. 발표자 : 최연경

    1) Forms of extracellular mitochondria and their impact in health

    2) Platelets release mitochondria serving as substrate for bactericidal group IIA-secreted phospholipase A2 to promote           inflammation

    3) Platelet mitochondrial dysfunction and the correlation with human diseases


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